2. Adequate parking for vehicles shall be provided to facilitate flow of traffic for the fire trucks, police cars and/or ambulances in cases of emergency.
3. Incoming and outgoing of trucks with household items or any hauling activities indicating transferring to/from a new residence shall secure clearance from the homeowners’ association and present such clearance to the security guard on duty.
a) Clearance from Treasurer
b) Clearance from Peace and Order Committee
c) Photocopy of Lease Contract, if renting (bring original for verification by the Treasurer)
4. All residents should each have updated subdivision vehicle sticker and should be pasted on the left portion of the windshield (for cars); for motorcycles and sikads, it should be in front of the said motorbike or sikad. Residents' vehicle without the prescribed sticker will be considered as "guest" and should follow subdivision rules and regulations.
Note: Enclosed vans are not provided with stickers and shall be subject for inspection.
5. Cost of Sticker
Charges for homeowners with existing vehicles are as follows:
a) P50.00 - if bought in the first quarter
(Note: First quarter starts from the month of April to June since expiry is April 2012)
b) P75.00 - if bought in the second quarter
c) P100.00 - if bought in the third quarter
d) P125.00 - if bought in the fourth quarter
Cost of stickers for new vehicles shall be treated on a flat-rate basis.
6. All guests (pedestrian or private cars including PUV's) that enter the subdivision are required to deposit their driver's license (for cars & PUV's). For pedestrians, they would need to present any government ID such as GSIS, SSS, TIN, passport, PRC, etc. to the guard-on-duty. Guests riding their motorcycles shall take off their helmets when entering the subdivision.
7. Guard-on-duty will record the name, plate number, person to visit and purpose of visit of all guests and PUV's for security and safety reasons.
8. All inbound/outbound private vehicles (cars & motorcycles) of guests and PUV's shall submit their vehicles to the guard-on-duty for security check before entering/leaving the subdivision.
9. For security reasons, all household help, family drivers, trisikad drivers (except those who already have ID's from their respective sikad association) must have the prescribed identification card duly issued by the homeowners’ association. Such ID should be presented to the guard-on-duty before entering the premises of the subdivision.
10. Cost of ID's
a) Helpers/family drivers (this is mandatory), sikad drivers - P30.00 (Good for 1 Year)
b) Construction workers - P50.00 (Duration of Construction works)
11. No one aside from the security guards on duty is allowed to standby outside the main gate, inside and outside the guard house.
12. Gambling and drinking hard liquor along the subdivision streets, other illegal activities (such as, but not limited to: a) illegal drugs; b) game of chance; c) tigbakay/cockfights), and other activities offending to morals being carried out inside the subdivision premises are strictly prohibited. Penalty for violators: P500.00.
13. Guard-on-duty is responsible for the cleanliness and good condition of the guard house and its premises.
14. Vendors, scavengers, door-to-door sales persons, and givers of fliers are not allowed to enter inside the subdivision. Vendors may be allowed entry in the subdivision upon request of homeowners to the guard-on-duty.
15. No visitor policy is in effect. Homeowners should notify the guard-on-duty in advance that they have a visitor coming/arriving. In case of surprise visits, the homeowner should be the one to meet their guests at the guard house.
16. Christmas carolers are not allowed to enter unless they have written permission from the board of directors/security committee, or are acknowledged by a homeowner who has informed the guard-on-duty in advance of the schedule.
17. MECO and TELCOS contractors who want to enter the subdivision for service disconnections will not be allowed entry during that day and will be told to come back the following day thereby giving homeowners' another 24 hours to settle their utility obligations. If said homeowner still did not settle his or her obligations, the utility contractor will be escorted by the guard-on-duty to effect such service disconnection.
18. All vehicles (homeowners, visitors, PUV's) should maintain a maximum speed limit of 20 kph when entering or driving within the subdivision.
19. Practice driving inside the subdivision is not allowed.
20. Driving of motorized vehicles without license inside the subdivision is not allowed. Drivers with student/temporary permits should be accompanied by a licensed professional driver. Penalty for violators: P500.00.